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St Louis MO 63105

165 Carondelet Plaza

St Louis MO 63105

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a new year resolution

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so, here it is... please tell me i didn't write this last year too...  i promise, i'm going to write more blogs.  do you hear that?  whoever you are that actually reads this blog?  this year I'M GONNA DO IT!

i don't yet know what they will be about, how much they will have to do with lusso (i'm told it will be more interesting if its not all about lusso) or if they will be interesting to you.  i hope so.

i'm hoping to blend a lot of what's new at lusso, with a little of what we do in our private lives (i know you like to dish about us), some random interesting things, what we're wearing, what we're eating, where we're shopping, what kind of parties we like to throw...

here's a blog i love that i'd like to emulate a little:

here's my happy moment for the day- someone bought these JBRAND op art jeans because they thought they looked cute on me today (yes i'm wearing wellies cuz its snowy and yucky outside in ST LOU today, and thanks again Deirdre G, i do love these wellies)

a new year resolution

and here's something i'm obsessing over - i have to try these now that i've seen them -

spiced roasted chickpeas -

a new year resolution

i'm hoping they are the new perfect snack for the diet i'm on (my only other resolution.  i like to keep it simple and achievable!)

and yes that's my pinterest account if you have any interest following me there, feel free.  it is as random and flighty as i am.  and this board is titled 'get the skinny'.

so there it is.  hold me to it.  make me blog.  tell me what you're interested in.  or just let me roll with it.

happy new year!

(and yes i know its january 21st)